Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who are we? & Lois McMaster Bujold

So much for new year resolutions. Already lost one!! ( Of starting to walk by 15th Jan). Was back to my usual cycle with one exception. Had an AMAZING night out with 2 sisters!! Aaaaah!! Been so long since i've done that. We had fun, watched all kinds of crazy stuff on youtube ( search for Benny Lava, esp if you're a tam [ and have a sense of humour], you'll love it!!) Shared some personal fears, discussed religion, kids, psychology, books. It was soooo good!! And then what do I do? Get back to my usual cycle of planning to do something and then don't do it!

As a side from the discussions of the night, went back to reading the Miles series by Lois McMaster Bujold. ( By the way, I strongly recommend this series to all sci-fi / fantasy lovers!! ). Was utterly fascinated by this particular book "Mirror Dance". There is this character who is tortured by the enemy. To survive the torture, he develops protective personalities whom he names gorge, grunt, howl and the killer. When he's force fed food, gorge takes over, when he's beated badly, howl takes over etc. What this got to my mind is how many of us have such personalities within us? We don't probably name then so fondly like the character did. But I can definitely find a Gorge within me!! Probably a sleeper and others too!! So was trying to see my own limitations and issues from a different perspective!! Very enlightening!! Hmm....

The question is that are we just an amalgamation of these various characters? Or is there one central character and other subordinate crisis driven characters? If so, then how do we again define the central guy? I don't know. This is probably the problem of writing a blog at 3 AM, but something i'm trying to puzzle out!! Since I don't have long discussions with myself, am trying to write to myself in the hope of arriving at some coherent though process if not at illumination!!

Anybody any thoughts?

Monday, January 11, 2010

A new year beckons!!

As the new year beckons with all it's hopes and trials, here are a few of my resolutions.

1. To start walking / running before the 15th of Jan
2. Dec 6th - Pune!!
3. Start writing short stories / poems - atleast two days a week.
4. Listen to music atleast one hour a week!
5. Look lesser for external approval and listen more to my heart!
6. Spend quality time with Ani. :)
7. Blog all my finished writing ( and also my general thoughts)

~ Anand